Leadership and Management Development
Leadership and Management Development
Lead from the Heart Brain, with support from the Head and Gut Brains to make a unique, successful change.
In an environment of constant change, it takes courage and trust to live in harmony with oneself, to respect ourselves and our environment, and to take responsibility for our actions and our impact on the world around us.
As a starting point, trust in yourself and others, and believe in the guiding principle that people want to work from a place of happiness and contribution, not ego. This isn't to say that people don't conduct their work life from their ego, but usually those ego-driving desires have become their coping mechanism.
Find the courage to confront yourself first, find out who you are and what you want. Only then can you make decisions that are aligned with your thoughts and feelings.
Our partner, TLeadGo, will help you to bring these positive changes into your personal and professional life.
Leadership Development
We begin by gathering information to understand your individual situation and to find out what you want to achieve, before moving on to concrete solutions.
In our experience, you will need one of the following solutions:
Improvement of personal leadership. Become aligned in what you think, say and do, and show effortless authenticity. Roll with situations, show trust in yourself (self-confidence) and inspire trust in others.
Improvement of leadership, communication and motivation in your team. It's important that people want to follow you, and that they feel you trust their capabilities before they can develop themselves. This state requires a personal change process, in which you take into account every member of your team.
Introduction of self-led teams. This is still a sought-after luxury for many organisations. We can help you create the conditions for this to occur, by working on personal change. A mixed solution of individual and teamwork helps bring about these postiive changes.
This requires initial work to find out how aligned people are with the organisation's goals. We will discover the level of your team's competence regarding business development and management. Do they display the required behaviours? Do they show they are different to other organisations in the product or service, and the way they behave?
With this in mind, we work along three streams:
Personal Leadership: self-awareness and self-management.
Team Leadership: management and co-leadership in the team.
Business Leadership: aligning business, culture and people.
We also facilitate:
Workshops in leadership topics, competence development and emotional intelligence.
Consulting in cultural change processes
At times of organisational change (eg. mergers, change in management or governing body, generational transitions in family companies), we have to ask ourselves: How do we want to work together to reach our goals?
An organisation's Board of Directors drives cultural change. They establish the direction and speed at which the business needs to operate in order to achieve results. It is important that everyone understands the different messages (organisational values) through clear behavioural principles.
Other key success factors:
A Good communication of those values (explanation of the meaning, benefits and opportunities they bring).
Exemplary behaviour from the Board.
Behaviours reflected in the required competences.
Board involvement in the development of those competences.
Our Leadership and Culture Survey tool studies the current leadership culture in your organisation, as well as the one you desire.
Our partner, TLeadGo, offers a consulting service, and we join in the change process.
Are you interested to begin the process of cultural change in your organisation?